American football: Rules of American football explained – Sndp

American football rules and regulation

Today we will talk about American football. American football is one of the most popular sports in  North American. by the way American football is played all over the world. but the professional league NFL in American is considered to be the largest professional league in the world, and all the big American football players in the world come to play NFL in American. the objective of American football is to score more points than your opponent in a fixed time limit. to score a point, players have to reach the end zone by taking the ball. and to reach the end zone. the ball has to be  touched down. players on the team may throw the ball, pass the ball, to the end zone, or a single player may take the ball to the end zone by hitting an opponent. each team gets 4 chances or 4 downs. the ball has to pass 10 yards and if they have passed 10 yards in 4 chances, their chances are reset. and for the next 10 yards he again gets 4 chances or 4 downs. and if they are not able ball is taken from them and the ball is given to the other team. and then he tries to cross 10 yards in his 4 chances.


Now let’s talk about the players and equipment of American football.

There are 11 players on the field from each team of American football. and there are total 45 players in their group. each team is divided into three parts. attacking, defense and special team players. they are players in attacking. those who are shorter, stronger and faster. they take the ball and run to the end zone. there are players in defense  who are very big in size and are very powerful. their job is to stop the attacking of the other team. and those players are in the special team players. those kicks die well. and both defense and attack play a little bit of a part in the team. like there is a mid fielder in football.

The  size of an American football field is 100 yards long. and is 1060 wide. and after every 10 yards a line is draw. crossing which, each team has to reach the end zone. there is an end zone on either side of the field. whose length is of both 40 yards. and there is also a post on either side of the field. which comes in handy at the time of kick. the kicker has to get the ball over that post. when a player touches the ball down. so his team gets 6 points. the team that touches down. that team gets the opportunity to kick the ball and go through the post, and if they get the ball through the post, then that team gest 3 points. and if the defense team stops the attacking team in the end zone. so the defense team gets 2 points. the team that scores the most points. that team is declared the winner.

and if the match ends in a tie. so 15 minutes of over time is played. whoever scores the highest in that he wins. there are 4 quarters of 15,15 minutes in American football. a break of 2 minutes is given between 1st and 2nd quarter. 2 minutes breaks is also given between 3rd and 4th. but a break of 15 minutes is given between the 2nd and 3rd quarter. which is called halftime. before every match in American football, there is a toss from the coin. the captain who wins the toss decides. who will have the ball first? and which side will his team play? so friends, there were some important rules and facts about American football.  

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