Can Khalistan survive as a country?

Can there be a second partition of India?

For the last few days, attempts to break India have reached the international level. The India Embassy in London was attacked. At the Indian consulate in America and in Australia, even some MPs expressed their support for Khalistan outside the parliament. That is, the Break India movement has become international. But is it possible? Is the demand for Khalistan practical? Can Khalistan survive as a country? Can there be a second partition of India?


What is happening?

First of all, let us know. What is happening in Punjab and outside the country, and why the police want to arrest this man, Amritpal Singh? This is Amritpal Singh. To briefly understand, he lived in Dubai six months ago, came to India in October 2022, and suddenly his followers increased by thousands. not Instagram followers, such as followers who started taking out rallies with him. started dominating the Punjab Police. and even succeeded in getting his colleagues released from jail. Amritpal Singh also said that he himself does not identify as an Indian, and he started demanding a free Khalistan. He even started saying that just as Indira Gandhiji could not stop the Khalistan movement, similarly, Modi ji will not be able to stop it. Even our home minister, Amit Shah, was being openly challenged and threatened by him. the history of Khalistan and why there is a demand for a separate nation of Sikhs. We have explained that in this blog. Amritpal Singh thought that the Punjab would not even touch him. but the opposite happened.

Can Khalistan survive as a country?

After a few days, an arrest warrant was issued against Amritpal Singh. On March 18, he was charged with attempted murder and obstruction of law enforcement, and police took 100 of his associates into custody. Internet services were suspended in Punjab for some time, but Amritpal Singh is absconding. So when it came to the arrest of Amritpal Singh, he thought that lakhs of Sikhs would help him stop the police. but Amritpal Singh was fiercely opposed by the Sikh community of India. Many stalwarts of the Sikh community have rejected the concept of Khalistan and adopted India. If not today, tomorrow the police will definitely catch Amritpal Singh. But the surprising thing is that he is getting a lot of support internationally, and this support is not a silent support; it is a very aggressive support. where Indian embassies are being attacked. Videos are going viral where Khalistani supporters are verbally attacking the Indian diaspora. Well, let’s understand why Khalistan is getting so much support internationally.


President of Khalistan

This is Jagjit Singh Chauhan, who calls himself the president of Khalistan. To understand why Khalistan gets so much support internationally, Can Khalistan survive as a country?you need to understand his work. Just as in the 1970s and 1960s, militancy inside India increased in Punjab and the demand for Khalistan became strong. Similarly, he made the voice of Khalistan strong in London. In 1971, he moved to London. He was also invited by the Pakistani army dictator, Yahya Khan. He also tried to establish his Khalistan government in Pakistan. By placing an ad in the New York Times, he also collected money from the entire Sikh diaspora so that he could form a Khalistani government. and they also established the Khalistani National Council. He even printed Khalistani passports, stamps, and dollars. after Operation Blue Star.” He gave an interview on the BBC. Here he was asked if you think that after Operation Blue Star, Indira Gandhi’s government will fall. He said, and I quote, “Within a few days you will have the news that Mrs. Gandhi and her family have been beheaded; that is what Sikhs will do.” and after a few days, our Prime Minister was assassinated. Till 2001, this person remained in exile, but then the government pardoned him and he came back.

Up until then, in the 1990s, the Punjab Police controlled the Khalistani movement and extremism to a great extent. but for those who left the country and settled in countries like Canada, London, America, and Australia, no one took action to control them. That is, the people who were radicalized internationally are still the same, and they pass on the Khalistani agenda to the next generation. And the most interesting thing is that it has become easy for Pakistani agencies to influence people who are outside the country, and today we are seeing something similar. The Break India movement is getting support from outside.


International support for Khalistan

What is happening internationally in support of Khalistan? In New York Times Square, Khalistani supporters displayed anti-India slogans and started playing mIs Khalistan possible?usic loudly. Hoisted Khalistani flags and raised slogans of Free Amritpal Singh. An Indian journalist was verbally abused in Washington. A few days ago, 2,000 Khalistani supporters assembled in front of the Indian High Commission in London. These hooligans disrespected the flag of India. Even in Australia, Khalistani groups attack Indians. and many times we see that Canadian politicians also support and encourage these Khalistani activists. The worse part is that these incidents are not once-in-a-lifetime occurrences. In an organized way, Khalistani material is printed and sent to those people, who become radicalized, and then Indians are attacked. The worst thing is that no action is taken against them. often in America, the UK, Canada, and Australia, the government here hesitates to take any action. because vote-bank politics are prevalent there too. By taking action against these people, they do not want to lose their vote.


Is Khalistan possible?

Let us see: can Khalistan as a country even survive? Do they have sufficient natural resources and industries to revive their economy? The short answer is absolutely not. why? because Punjab is a predominantly agricultural state. Here, because of the Indus River and its tributaries, there’s a lot of fertile land. 15% of India’s wheat comes from Punjab. So maybe some Khalistani supporters are thinking that they can survive by exporting wheat to India and Pakistan because climate change has ruined their plans. Actually, that’s wrong because climate change is taking away their water. India’s northern belt is considered the bread basket of India, but the truth is that since the 1990s, Punjab’s groundwater is depleting. Due to subsidized electricity, groundwater is being drawn by installing water pumps. and now, even after digging up to 200 meters, water is not available. Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh supplies 31% of India’s wheat. means double in Punjabi. So if Punjab becomes a part of Khalistan, then at least it will not be able to supply wheat to India. second look at this map.

Can Khalistan survive as a country?

This map shows how many students from each state are leaving the country to study in other countries. Punjab’s number is the highest here. Out of every 1 lakh people, 859 students leave Punjab and go to other countries. Youth is called the engine of growth because it is aspirational. They can work in high-paying sectors, earn money, and then spend that money to drive the economy forward. This trend of going abroad among the youth of Punjab will not end immediately after the formation of Khalistan. If the youth’s spending is low, then even industries will come very slowly to the new Khalistan. and all those people who support India will migrate to the neighboring state. For a sovereign country, there are many different challenges. such as making economic policies, maintaining security, and giving jobs to its population. if Khalistan becomes a separate nation. then many Indian companies and banks will leave here. 50% of Punjab’s GDP comes from the service sector. The service sector works on the basis of trust and stability. and in a new country, both of these things are most lacking.

Naturally, they will not have good relations with the Indian government. So it will be impossible for them to import the most important things. The geography of Punjab is landlocked. The closest port for them would be in Gujarat. If Punjab cannot trade with India, then it will have to trade with other countries. There is another way, not from India, to import from Pakistan’s Karachi, and probably the whole Khalistan Movement is based on this hope that Pakistan will become their trading partner. Pakistan will give them economic support and infrastructure, an electric grid, and also tea. Let that sink in for a moment. Khalistans demand for a nation-wide movement is based only on the assumption that such a country will support them, which itself is going through an economic crisis. Khalistani supporters demand that a new country be formed. so that Sikhs get more protection. but they forget the violence of partition. They never include the second-holiest site for Sikhs, Kartarpur Sahib, in the map of Khalistan. because they do not want to hurt Pakistan.

This is a huge proof that the demand for Khalistan is not a practical demand but only a drama to increase instability, and the Sikh community of the country knows this. That’s why they support India. and that’s why if any message reaches people through this blog, it should only be that India is a nation. Where we need to protect every individual Sikh community is as a minority in India. But it does not mean that that is not important. Our constitution gives everyone the right to keep their rights. but with this freedom comes responsibility too.

because in today’s prevailing time many people through social media want to spread a narrative against India. Can they break India through this? but yes, an attack on our Indian diaspora—even an attack happening on any Indian—is an attack on the whole country. We need to protest them and practice better diplomacy. That is why the Indian High Commission was attacked after that, even in Delhi. The security in front of the British embassy was taken off. This was a silent message to Britain. that if you do not give us respect, we will not give you respect.

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