China is dominating geopolitics

Who is the monitor of the world?

monitor means someone, who pacifies the quarreling countries. the one who is so powerful that everyone listens to him. and then he is able to dominate the whole world. We call this class of monitor a superpower in geopolitics. There is only one true superpower in the 21st century America. But very soon China itself is going to become a superpower by pushing America, and its proof is in this photo. This is the leadership of Saudi Arabia and Iran, who have become friends after seven years because of China. This event seems minor at a glance, but it is the beginning of China’s master plan, and China is dominating geopolitics.

China is dominating geopolitics


Saudi and Iran relations

Iran and Saudi Arabia are both Muslim countries, but they do not get along with each other at all. why? because there are mostly Shia Muslims in Iran and mostly Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia. The fight between these two groups has been going on for centuries. Now look at this picture.

China is dominating geopolitics

This is Saudi Arabia, where girls are sitting in school without a hijab, learning science. and this is Iran, which was a secular country. where wearing a bikini on the beach was as common as it would be in any European country today. The point to mention is that in the 1960s, the Middle East was slowly adopting modern valves. then why did some countries take a U-turn? How did some countries suddenly become conservative?

China is dominating geopolitics

The story is from 1979. Some rebels in Saudi Arabia attacked Mecca itself. These rebels had to say that the Saudi Royals are moving away from traditional Islam and have become corrupt. The Saudi army fiercely stood up to these rebels and finally defeated them with the help of France. but they left a deep wound on Saudi Arabia and the entire Middle East. The Saudi leadership understood that the people were not yet ready for modernization. If Saudi Arabia becomes very modernized, then such rebels will keep attacking again and again. So they took a U-turn and adopted some traditional Islamic values. Even in Iran, in 1979—the same year something similar happened— There was a monarchy in Iran, but in 1979 there was a revolution. Till then, their king was supported by the West, but after this revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini came to power. He turned secular Iran into the Islamic Republic of Iran. After this change, both countries spread their conservative ideologies all over the world. But their mutual relationship kept getting worse because of oil. Most of the oil in Saudi Arabia was in Shia areas, and most of the oil in Iran was in Sunni areas. So both countries attacked the minorities of their respective countries, persecuted them, suppressed them, and tried to control them.

After this moment, relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran deteriorated. After this, in the 21st century, whatever conflicts happened in the entire Arab world, these two countries supported the opposing sides. As an example, in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia supports the government while Iran supports the Hezbollah rebels. Saudi Arabia supported the rebels in Syria, and Iran supported the Bashar al-Assad government. Even in Yemen, Saudi Arabia supports the government, and Iran supports the Houthi rebels. In 2019, Yemen’s rebels fired missiles at Saudi Arabia’s oil refineries, and Saudi Arabia suffered a lot. While doing this, these two oil giants of the Arab world kept moving away from each other until China came in between. Now China has pulled off this miracle for all to see. China established friendship between these two countries, which for the entire Arab world is the biggest good news of the 21st century. China called both of these leaders together. Negotiations were done fiercely for six days, and both sides were convinced that these countries would not attack each other in any way. and will maintain peace in the entire Arab world.

China is dominating geopolitics


Goodbye America

Earlier, America used to do all this work. but America has failed to bring peace to the Middle East. In fact, they have escalated the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. America was never a good class monitor. Well, to be really honest, America was never very interested in resolving conflicts. Because the military lobby of their country profits from every war. So how will it earn money during peace? If your class monitor doesn’t work properly, he is replaced instantly. Something similar is happening here as well. Xi Jinping was elected for the third time in China. Now the Chinese policy will be a carbon copy of their thoughts. Xi Jinping believes in a theory called the Century of Humiliation.” He says that just as the British occupied India and made Indians their slaves, similarly they made the Chinese people opium addicts. The British and Japanese forces repeatedly attacked China and held it under their feet for 100 years. When the Chinese Communist Party won in 1949, China, like India, was one of the poorest countries in the world. but never again.

Today, China believes that there are only two types of people in the world: hammers and nails. Hammers mean those who dominate, and nails mean those who are dominated. China thinks that if it does not dominate, that is, if it doesn’t become a hammer, then it will keep getting dominated forever. China wants to dominate the world in three ways: economic dominance, military dominance, and diplomatic dominance. Russia adopted the path of military dominance in Ukraine. and we have seen how the whole world has made Russia a villain. Even if Russia wins, it will still be shown only as a villain in history. but China is super smart. China has understood that if a war can be won without taking up weapons, then why not? Today, all international organizations are in China’s pocket. Every kid knows that China has introduced COVID to the world, but WHO has been unable to reprimand China. Making YouTube videos against China gets you immediately demonetized. which means American companies like YouTube, which do not even operate in China, also dance at the behest of China.

Turkiye, a country that wants to become an Islamic leader in the modern world, also fearfully raises questions on what China does with Uyghur Muslims. Now an economic war is going to start between China and America. in facts has started “Semiconductor war.” means the chips made for your mobile, computer, vehicles are made by China and Taiwan. The one who controls these semiconductors will control the world.

Today, China has reached such a position that it can directly threaten Europe, saying, Don’t do what America is doing; otherwise, it will not be good for you. China has understood this very well that the dominance of the west is coming to an end. Now the focus is going to be on the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, and it wants to oust America from these areas. In the 20th century, countries that were pushed into the darkness of war by America were won diplomatically by China by becoming peacemakers in those countries. China has published a paper about its master plan, which is called the global security initiative. Here they have brought these four points to the fore.

  • Stay committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries
  • Stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously.
  • Stay committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation.
  • Stay committed to maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains.

China’s focus will be on Africa, Latin America, the Pacific Islands, and the Middle East. China wants to help in UN peacekeeping operations and wants to give funding to the African Union for their independent peacekeeping. It wants to do political settlement in all the conflict areas. The whole text is quite interesting. India’s intelligence officers and external affairs experts should study this document carefully. If you look carefully, these are all the same regions that America has ignored till date, except one area that is missing that is very important for us. South Asia means India.


Impact on India

The basic issue is that China considers us a competitor. Today, we are miles away from China in terms of progress. let me tell you a figure per capita GDP. That is our total GDP divided by our population. This shows how much money every person in India gets on average every year. This figure is around $2,250. That is 1,84,000 per person per year. The same figure in China, that is, the per capita GDP, is $12,500. means six times more than us. Today, when India grows by 6%, we celebrate. But even if we grow by 10%, it will still take us 20 years to reach the per capita GDP of China today. Remember, I am talking about where China is today. In 2043, China is going to be further ahead. We are behind China, and China knows this. Still, China considers India and only India a threat. There is no other country in the world that can compete with China in the future. That is why China repeatedly tries to humiliate India. China has border conflicts with us.

Today, China is powerful but not a superpower. Yet we spend crores of rupees every year to keep Ladakh and Arunachal safe. Going forward, when China becomes a superpower, what will India do? will stop trading with all those countries that have become puppets of China or will bow before China? There is a dire need to ask these questions to India’s leadership and our foreign affairs department. A panel presented a report in the parliament recommending that India give 1% of its GDP to the ministry of external affairs. At present, the funds this ministry receives, namely 18,500 crores, are very low considering their goal of improving India’s influence in the world. China is progressing towards becoming a superpower at the speed of maglev, and India is still stuck in petty issues. The time has come for us to understand that the real challenges for us are economic and diplomatic. The coming 10 years are going to be very crucial for India. We have to stand firmly against China, thinking about the long term. We have to become self-sufficient in manufacturing, in defense, and in technology.

because an ideological war has already begun. The chess board for geopolitics is ready. There is an expert player like China at the forefront. who is smarter and wiser than us, whether we believe it or not. India is alone on this chessboard.

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