How can George Soros destroy India?

How is George Soros capable of destroying India?

George Soros, a person who compares our prime minister to Hitler who says India is a democratic country, but India’s leader is not democratic. George Soros, our minister for external affairs, calls him rich, old, and dangerous. who wants to see the fall of the Indian government. Half the world calls him an “economic terrorist” and the other half calls him a “hero.” Who is George Soros? And in the past, how did he destroy other countries’ economies? How can George Soros destroy India?


Who is George Soros?

George Soros has many names; he is known as the man who broke the Bank of England. Because he had invested against the currency of England and earned a profit of $1.5 billion, the supreme court of France punished him for insider trading. He was born in Hungary, but there is a law there called “Stop Soros.” It is made to stop their activities, and despite being Jewish, he is known as a Nazi supporter in Israel. He has problems with China, he has problems with India, and he also has problems with Russia. How can one person in one lifetime have problems with so many countries? The truth is that Soros has a god complex. To understand this, we have to look at the origins of Soros in depth. Soros is now 92 years old. He was born in Hungary when World War II started. He was just 8 years old then, being a Jew. during world war 2 was really horrifying. But Soros’s family was smart; he was a survivor; previously, his name was “Schwartz,” but during Nazi occupation, he changed his last name and took the identity of “Soros.” so that it becomes difficult to identify him as Jewish.

Soros saw that the Jewish people around him were being caught, but only one was catching him. in fact he himself has said that, that world war days were among his happiest. because, at that time, he learned about survival and saw his father becoming a hero. he started to think that i am different, i am better, i am god.

Let’s come to that point, where his beliefs became stronger from his childhood itself: he was smarter than other average kids, and after he grew up, he got admission to the London School of Economics, for those who don’t know. This college is similar to a university, which is famous for its protests. The professors here are inclined toward socialism, and Soros was influenced by them. He started studying philosophy along with economics, and a philosopher named Karl Popper had a great impact on him. At the same time, Sorors saw that, as an immigrant, he was poor. He doesn’t have money to eat, and neither do those who were born in England. they have food, have clothes and also a house to live. And why does England have all of this? Because of their sins, England never had to face the consequences of colonization. In fact, even today, London is a financial center. Sorors learned from this that economics is the biggest weapon. If you have money, then the world will forget how you earned it.


How did Soros Earn Money?

Soros’s net worth is $8 billion, and he has donated. 32 billion dollars, it means if he would have not donated. then at least he would be five times more rich. A rich person who donates his money for the betterment of the world is doing good. But this cannot erase how he earned this money. After his education, Soros came to America, and he came to know one thing about Americans: they can’t see anything outside of America. No one has any knowledge about the world market. He took advantage of this and began dealing in foreign currencies. Soros had many unfair advantages: he had traveled in Europe, he knew languages other than English, and he had contacts in Europe. He made these advantages his superpower. Till 1970, he managed the money of the rich, invested American money in Europe, and doubled the money.

Till now, Soros had become rich enough to buy an apartment in New York, but his extraordinary growth started when he started his own fund, “Quantum Fund,” which is a hedge fund that broke all other hedge fund records. in 40 years, this funds gave 20% of return every year on an average. Who were the clients of these funds? world’s richest and secretive families. Families like the Rothschilds, the Wallenbergs, etc. You won’t find them on the Forbes billionaire list, but they are still the world’s richest people. who use their power to control the world. Even before Warren Buffet, he became the world’s first investing superstar. how? with the use of chaos


Destroying countries for profit

in the foreign currency trading market, trades happen worth 5 trillion dollars everyday. Soros used to do this; he used to target the currency of one country and take a short position, and the more the currency fell, the more profit he used to make. in 1990’s he played such a trick, which made him earn 1.5 billion dollars overnight. He noticed that the British pound was in a bad position; Britain’s structure is already shaking; one small push and Britain will collapse; and he did the same. He made a small push, only a 10 billion-dollar push. from past so many years, he had earned a lot of reputation. Any investor or any bank was ready to give him a loan, so from all his sources, he borrowed pounds and sold 10 billion pounds in the European market. and bought German marks. His influence was so big that many hedge funds used a similar strategy and sold pounds. the next day itself, British pound fell against German mark by 15%. The logic is simple: there were so many people selling pounds, but they didn’t have buyers then. the price bounds to crash, and ultimately the Bank of England had to buy these pounds. so that they can reduce this crash. Once the prices were down, using the German mark, Soros bought British pounds at a cheaper rate and gave them back to the banks. There was a difference of 15%, worth 1.5 billion dollars.

After this went on for many years, there was a recession in Britain, and Soros got the title “the man who broke the Bank of England.” He used the same strategy to destroy Thailand. In 1997, Thailand had become one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. But still, their economy has some flaws. In their country, their own industries were few, and they heavily relied on trade. Soros attacked the baht. and Thailand hasn’t recovered from it yet. He did the same against the Japanese yen too.


The use of this Money

Soros had said in an interview that one day he felt he was getting a heart attack. At that time, he was focusing a lot on his fund itself. He used to immerse himself in his work and not think of anything else. He said to himself that if he died while earning more and more money, then my life wouldn’t have any meaning. In 1993, he established the Open Society Foundation, which supports pro-democracy activism around the world. He began focusing here more than on his fund after the year 2000.and for different activities of this organization. He has given a total of 32 billion dollars.In the future, he will also fund the campaigns of candidates like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. but in 2011, he suddenly closed his Quantum fund for a weird reason. The SEC, or American SEBI, has declared that all hedge funds must now be transparent.It has to share its financial details with the SEC. Soros didn’t like this at all. He wanted to keep his operations secret.

Now, this is very weird for someone who believes in transparency and who believes in a fair world. Then he returned all the money to his investors and started managing his own money only.


Why is Soros Dangerous?

Our external minister was called George Soros, a dangerous person. why dangerous? Soros, like in finance, can go to any length for his desired outcome; can he go to any length for his political ambitions? As he destroyed Thailand, he used Britain’s crisis to break Britain’s economy and profited from it. Similarly, through his various sources, will take a short position against India, not because of its progress, but because of its demise. This question is very important. I had asked you a question at the start. Is George Soros a hero or a villain? To understand the answer, we need to understand Thanos. Thanos has just one objective: there must be a balanced world. The world’s resources are limited, and people are a lot. Unless the population doesn’t decline, balance can’t be achieved. To achieve this one idea, Thanos can go up to any limit; he can cross any limit; he is hungry for his ambition.

If we look at it, is Thanos’ point wrong? not at all, Thanos is right. but to reach the right outcome. If the wrong methods are used, then what’s the use? Since his childhood, Soros has seen the world in black and white. He has witnessed dictators driving the world into the darkness of war. So whenever a single leader keeps becoming powerful, Soros becomes fearful. He uses his money and influence to establish balance. He saw that England is the center of corruption and inequality. So he did what he thought was right and profited greatly. Through this profit, he bought power, media, and political leaders and influenced them. leaving right and wrong aside. He imposed his philosophy and values. But the truth is that India was a democracy, is a democracy, and always will be one. It is important to question this democracy. It is important to improve this democracy. However, if one wishes to intervene in this feminist democracy. then that interference can’t be from outside.

democracy, the meaning of this word itself is that, what is good or bad for a country, will be decided by the people not by an individual. then that individual may be a leader or a short seller sitting in a foreign country.

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