How nuclear war will change the world?

What if the United States invaded Russia?

What if America attacked Russia? will this war become a nuclear war? because this is no fiction, this is the reality. which can be the future of our world. what is the exact power of a nuclear bomb? what if a nuke strike your city? how will the world be after a nuclear war? let’s think about a dark future in today’s blog. let’s imagine, what impact will a nuclear war have on us? and how nuclear war will change the world?


How many bombs are there?

Let’s start with logical questions. How many bombs do we have? How many countries have such bombs? And this can be used for what purposes? At this moment in the world, there are more than 15000 nuclear weapons. America and Russia collectively have 14,000 nuclear bombs. In other countries like India, Pakistan, China, the United Kingdom, France, and North Korea, there are around 100 nuclear weapons. Israel also has some nuclear weapons, but they can’t be confirmed. In 1945, America tested nuclear bombs for the first time; this test is called the “Trinity Test,” and after this, 2475 separate nuclear tests happened, of which 85% were done by America and the Soviet Union.

How nuclear war will change the world?

When you visit Dubai Expo, you will know that this is a very dark chapter in history. When America was doing these nuclear tests, where did they do them? Between 1946 and 1958, the United States detonated 67 nuclear bombs in and around the Marshall Islands. In these Marshall Islands, around 35 Olympic-sized swimming pools of radioactive waste have been dumped here, and America never compensated this country for its crimes or took any responsibility. We have read in our history books that America attacked Japan with two nuclear weapons on August 6, 1945. An atom bomb named “Little Boy” was launched on Hiroshima, and 1 lakh people died in it. Later, due to radiation, many generations of people born there had to fight cancer. 2/3rd buildings of the whole city were destroyed. And do you know the dangerous part? From that bomb, 1.3% of uranium was utilized. The nuclear reaction happened only in that portion, and the rest of the uranium failed.

Just Imagine, if all the Uranium was utilized, then the damage would have been so sever. But there is a big difference between then and now. At that time, only America had nuclear weapons. Today, there are nine such countries that have nuclear weapons, and these countries are never friendly with each other. So once a country carries out a nuclear attack, the story won’t be over there. This would just be the start of destruction.


What happens when a nuclear falls?

Till today, in a war, nuclear bombs have been used only two times; Little Boy was a bomb of 15 kilotons. only 15 kilotons, which would flatten a complete city. A 21-kiloton bomb blast happened in Nagasaki. The cloud that formed after the blast is called a “mushroom cloud” The mushroom cloud from Nagasaki’s bomb was even higher than Mount Everest. But that is not the scary part. “B 83” is America’s most powerful bomb, which is 60 times more powerful than “Little Boy.” But in 1961, Soviet Russia did something that shattered the whole world. “Tsar Bomba,” the most powerful bomb till today, and its power was 50 megatons; from Hiroshima’s “Little Boy,” it was 3000 times more powerful. After this bomb blast, shockwaves went through the world three times. Due to this blast, around a thousand kilometers away in Norway and Finland, windows were broken. The fireball of this bomb was 8 km in width and 64 km in height. Don’t forget these numbers because today you can even try them.

If a nuclear bomb is dropped on a city you like or dislike, how many casualties will occur? You can see it yourself. I found an interesting website, nuclearsecrecy. Where you yourself can see if a certain capacity of nuclear bomb falls on a city, how much will be the impact? Let’s take the example of Hiroshima itself. Here, we can choose presets as to which bomb we want to test and see what the impact will be after it is detonated. Let’s compare: if Hiroshima was attacked by “Tsar Bomba” what would have been the impact then? These numbers are terrifying. and we also saw what will happen in densely populated cities like Delhi and Mumbai, but the numbers are so dangerous.

How nuclear war will change the world?

within a millisecond, the exact spot where the attack will happen. The temperature will cross the sun’s surface temperature within a few seconds, and this fireball would cross many kilometers. Nothing will be saved within 10 kilometers of its range. People, buildings, trees, plants, and animals—everyone will become ash. but the impact won’t end here. In fact, a nuclear blast’s heat will be so high that the air near the impact will be hot and a shockwave will travel at a speed greater than that of sound. which means that with more of those 120 km/hr of speed, it will spread. buildings will collapse, and trees will be damaged. Imagine that an earthquake will happen, but not under the ground but in the air, and just in a few seconds. after the nuclear blast Nuclear fallout and radiation will take people’s lives for the next few months. Nuclear radiation will be mixed with water, and it will destroy our drinking water for many years to come. Agriculture will be impossible, and along with humans, there will be genetic mutations in animals too. They will suffer from cancer. Where a nuclear bomb will be used, that country’s future will be very dark.


But what about other countries?

The biggest difference in a nuclear war will be that wars won’t be limited to bordering areas. It will reach our houses too. The effects of a nuclear war can be studied in five steps.

  • First step: Immediate destruction, destruction of cities and death of people.
  • Second step: Fallout, due to nuclear waste and dust our soil, water and sir will be polluted and we won’t be able to grow food.
  • Third step: Long term impact on health, due to which cancer and genetic mutation will happen in people.
  • Fourth step: Environmental damage, it will have an impact on nature too. ecosystems will be destroyed.
  • Fifth step: Collapse of the society, as a society it would be difficult to function. there will be chaos everywhere.

The uniqueness of a nuclear war is that its impact won’t be limited to the targeted country. but also in other countries. The radioactive fallout will travel in the direction of the winds. Many rivers flow in multiple countries; through those rivers, this radiation will flow into our seas. it will destroy the ocean life, people who eat fish it will impact them too. In an interconnected world, this radiation will reach us through our food and water. The dangerous thing is, today, once a nuclear attack happens, the story won’t end there. This will start a chain reaction where every nuclear country will start attacking its enemy nation. After such a big explosion, nuclear smoke will cover our sky, and like in a volcanic eruption, the sky gets covered by ash. similarly, sunlight will get blocked here, which means the sunlight coming here will be reduced. This will lead to a cooling effect on the earth.

Scientists believe that due to this, our temperature will decrease by several degrees; this is known as nuclear winter. Due to this, ice will increase in all the oceans, and trading will be impossible for the next few years. countries that are being attacked; helping them will also be difficult for other countries. After the nuclear winter, the countries that are saved have to face droughts, crop failures, and other side effects like these.



Nuclear energy is a tool, currently in our earth, 35 million tonnes of Uranium is hidden. so if we mine it and invest it in generating energy, then for our humanity for the next 2000 years we will have sufficient energy with us. but if we used it for making weapons, we would use it to destroy others. then its result won’t be good for anyone. It’s been more than a year since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began. Still, there are many people who support the war without understanding that a warlike situation will be a dangerous situation for all of us. In 1945, Albert Einstein and the scientists of the University of Chicago made an imaginary clock. which is known as the “Doomsday Clock” as the clock strikes 12. Due to a nuclear war, the world will be destroyed. This is what the scientists believe. When will it strike 12? hopefully never. But how close the minute hand brings us to 12 signifies the tension in the world.

In 1963, this was just 2 minutes away; this was the start of the cold war. where America and Soviet Russia were facing each other with nuclear weapons. After that, as global tensions reduced, scientists moved the minute hand backwards. after the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The minute hand is placed at 90 seconds to midnight. which means today the tensions of a nuclear war are even higher than when the cold war was at its peak. We are closer to the end than we have even been, and that is really scary. Because a nuclear war is the end of this world, it will have an impact on those countries too, which are far away from this war.

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