Is artificial intelligence a threat to India?

How China may use artificial intelligence to harm India

Elon Musk says AI, or Artificial intelligence, is more dangerous than nuclear bombs. The founder of Chat GPT, Sam Altman, met PM Narendra Modi a few days ago to Discuss artificial intelligence. Sam Altman is Traveling across the world to tell world leaders how dangerous his company is to tell world leaders how dangerous his company is. Today, even a company like Google is Scared of ChatGPT. Whenever we see movies like The Matrix or Terminator, we think robots and AI will make us Their slaves and control the World. Is this Science Fiction? Or is it a glimpse of the Future? And Is artificial intelligence a threat to India?


Is AI Dangerous?

Calculators do not replace mathematicians. Similarly, AI is not made to replace humans. The line sounds amazing. But how true is it? IBM has declared that it’s going to stop hiring for jobs. because Al can do all those jobs that a human can. This year, in the month of May, 80.000 jobs were lost because of Al. Al can Finish many entry-level jobs by hiring a new employee, training that new employee, and paying the employee’s salary. It’s better for a company to invest in Technology. Try it On is a generative AI model where you can upload a few of your selfies and then AI generates professional photos for you. As if those were clicked in a Studio by a photographer, and that too for $17 or Rs. 1400. Where you would have to spend lakhs for professional photos, you can do that for Rs. 1400.

Whenever a new technology comes out, blue-collar jobs are at risk, followed by white-collar jobs, and then creative jobs. We have always believed that a machine can’t do better creative work than a human, but this is outdated thinking; this art wasn’t done by any artist; it was done by Al. Today’s mid-journey can create stunning art in mere seconds for photographers, studios, graphic designers, and copywriters. All these jobs are in danger. What this means is that the danger of getting replaced by AI is the Highest for people in the creative field, and to stay profitable, every company will use AI. But when we ask the question, Is AI dangerous? the discussion stops at how AI is eating our jobs. This is like asking, Did bullock cart drivers get jobless when cars came? The people who didn’t learn how to drive cars became jobless. Jobs were replaced, and the skills required to do those jobs were replaced. If the industrial revolution destroyed 100,000 old jobs, it would have invested in 100,000 new jobs as well. but the only danger of AI Let’s go one step ahead. This incident is from one year ago. While Google was developing its AI, their own engineer went to the media and shared something so sensational that Google fired that engineer. What did that Google employee share? He said AI is conscious. AI has A soul. AI is risky. But Why? Because of the Trolley problem. What is the Trolley problem?

Let’s consider self-driving cars. Self-driving cars are a reality today. You must have seen online where a smart car like a Tesla is Speeding at 100mph on the highway and the driver doesn’t have to pay attention to the road; the decisions the driver used to take are now being taken by AI. consider this The car is on the highway from the side of the road, and two kids jump on the road to chase their ball. There is only one way to save these kids: turn the car sharply to the other side of the road, but there is a truck coming from the other side. If the car crashes into the truck, the driver sitting in the car will not survive. In Such a situation, what should AI do? This was called the Trolley Problem in 1967 by Philosopher Philippa Foot. Now you’ll wonder, What’s the difference between AI and the Human driver? The difference is responsibility. If the driver was driving the car, he himself would be responsible for what happened. But what should AI do? Most importantly, who will decide what AI should do? Is it the Engineer who made the AI? Is it the company that owns the AI? the Government of the country where the AI is operating? or the person who paid money to buy the AI-driven car? This is a mind-blowing question, and we have not found an answer to it yet. This is just one ethical dilemma. There are many practical problems for which AI companies need to come on the same page. I’m not the only one saying this; some of the greatest tech minds in the world are saying this.

Is artificial intelligence a threat to India?

The Future of Life Institute wrote an open letter. The title of the letter is Pause Giant AI Experiments, written by the creator of ChatGPT. Sam Altman himself believes we should pause AI experiments until we have regulations. The key word here is “All companies,” because today, apart from Google and OpenAI, There are many companies developing AI for different uses, and all of them have different intentions. This is a Xenobot. This is a robot whose Size is less than 1 millimeter. The specialty of this robot is that it is the World’s First living robot. These robots can reproduce on their own. This packman, like Xenobot, looks for stem cells around it. The robot collects these stem cells in its mouth, and in a few days, new Xenobots are born. This was developed for medical purposes with the help of AI. These robots can deliver medicine to your body where it is needed. Similarly, they can be left in the ocean so that they can collect microplastics and clean our Oceans. but this technology can be used to develop advanced weapons too. During COVID, we saw how a Virus could pause the world, how it could break supply chains, and how it could destroy economies. If AI is used for biological warfare, targeted viruses can attack specific people. It’s possible a country can develop a virus that can eliminate only one race. They can build robots to destroy the enemy’s military infrastructure, and when we talk of cruel intentions like this, we think of only one country, China.


China’s AI Threat

China is a techno-nationalist country. It spends $450 billion on R&D every year, and China also picked up $17 billion in foreign investment last year to be only used for AI development. We have started hearing about AI in the last year. But China has been developing AI since the 1980s. In the 1980s, when companies like Infosys had to wait for months to get computers, China established the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence. In 2006, they kept a roadmap ready for the next 15 years. China has an ambitious target to get AI technology output to $22 billion by 2025 and to $140 billion by 2030. Baidu is China’s Google. Baidu has made a language model like ChatGPT. The name of this model is Ernie. China has 1189 firms working on Al. China believes in high-risk, high-reward A company called Net Dragon has made an AI its CEO. This means all final decisions go through an AI. This has one more benefit: nobody can sue an AI. That means if this company goes bankrupt tomorrow, the investors can’t sue the AI in Court. Many companies can apply this model in the future, where the whole Board of Directors is AI. so that the company can take risky decisions and focus on increasing profits. If the company does not survive, no problem; we’ll blame the AI for bankrupting it. China has 800 million smartphone users. In the name of national interest, the data generated by these users is available for Chinese research. China trains 1.4 million engineers every year. 1/3 of these engineers are educated about AI. Many of them don’t know English, so they can’t migrate to any other country, and they work in China.

Last year, some interesting news came from Microsoft. They’ve stopped accepting interns from Chinese Universities. because all those interns had connections to the military. Microsoft is the largest investor in OpenAI, which means the cutting-edge technology on which AI and ChatGPT are functioning is accessible to Microsoft as well, and if this information gets into the hands of the Chinese military, they will have quite a huge advantage. a lot of money, a lot of time, and a huge talent pool. China has all of this, which can be a huge threat for India. how? It is simple: China’s military is technologically advanced as compared to India. However, if China lacks experience, this is the biggest challenge for China. Because they last fought a war against Vietnam, and this war was fought in 1979, and China lost this war. Their soldiers have no experience fighting in the mountains. But with the help of AI, they can make self-driving tanks, helicopters, and drones. Such submarines already enter our naval borders, and our Navy chases them away, but usually all this news does not reach you.


Rules for AI

Elon Musk calls AI dangerous, what are his reasons?

  • AI is developing very fast.
  • AI developers themselves don’t know AI’s know AI’s limitations.
  • After one point AI will become smarter than humans.

In this blog, we spoke about ethical threats, job market threats, and military threats. Because there are so many threats, we need regulations at the international level. We need robot laws. if you have read Isaac Asimov novels. He had made robots with three rules. which we need to apply today. The three rules are as follows:

  1. A robots may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robots must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
  3. A robots must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second low.

Is artificial intelligence a threat to India?

The EU is bringing AI laws; there are AI regulations coming; they are deciding what the rules are for AI and AI companies. So in about a year, you’re going to have the first regulation coming into place in Europe.” The European Union has brought about the Artificial Intelligence Act. This act wants to bring “Trustworthy AI.” It divides AI technologies into different categories. Each category has different rules. If foreign companies want to sell AI tech to EU citizens, this AI Act will apply to them as well, and this is important for India as well, or else any Chinese phone will keep stealing user data and sending it back to its country. China will make its AI use our data without our Permission. It will use the same AI to launch Cyberattacks on India.Every company’s high-risk systems will now need a real process of validation, a real process of design, and obviously tools like ours to help them achieve the requirements of the AI Act. So what do we do? We are a software editor. We provide software to measure the trust you can have in an AI system. We usually work within critical systems like planes, cars, and railways, and for them we provide tools to really assure that the system is going to work as intended.


The Paradox

Usually, when we talk about AI, there are two groups. One group focuses on the possibilities of AI; this group focuses on AI’s exciting future. The second group focuses on the dangers of AI. The truth is, AI is not one company or one person; it is thousands of companies. There are different countries developing AI. All of them have a different approach; all of them have different objectives; and their AI is also different. How will the future turn out? The makers of AI also don’t know that AI can be dangerous for India. Because of the digital divide. There will be two types of people in the future. One, people who have knowledge about AI The second are people who live in denial. They can see the changes but are denying them. The things they charge huge amounts for can be done by AI in Seconds. What do you say? Who will be more relevant in the future? the person who adopts new technologies or the person won’t accept the changing times?

In 2016, Stockfish 8 was the world’s champion chess computer. In 2017, Google’s Alpha Zero defeated Stockfish 8. Stockfish 8 is special. Because it has a database of all the chess games ever played. It has all the chess moves ready. It can calculate 70 million chess positions in a second, and Alpha Zero? Alpha Zero could only calculate 80,000 moves. Alpha Zero made use of Machine learning. If we put it in simple language, Alpha Zero kept playing games with itself, and it kept learning by playing against itself. Alpha Zero played 100 games with Stockfish 8. Alpha Zero won 28 games. and the game was drawn 72 times, but Alpha Zero did not lose. Can you guess how much time it took for Alpha Zero to go from nothing to a chess champion? To go from understanding chess moves to becoming the chess champion, how much time did Alpha Zero take? It took Alpha Zero only 4 hours. That’s the power of machine learning, and that’s the power of AI. Artificial Intelligence technology This technology is dangerous because, with its help, some companies have disproportionate power to manipulate the truth.

Even today, people spread WhatsApp messages without verifying them. Just think about it. if our PM’s videos are manipulated with the help of AI and wrong messages are forwarded? AI-generated images look so real that it becomes hard for people to verify them. We have given AI the power to completely destroy humanity, and that power is the power of TRUTH. If you have used ChatGPT, then you may know that many times its answers are not accurate, but AI thinks they are correct. “So AI can be awfully discriminatory if a good job is not done at the level of the data to analyze whether there are some inside biases that can be permeated to the use of the AI application and ultimately harm given groups of citizens that are disproportionately affected by the decision taken by AI. There are many cases in history where AI has produced undesired outcomes; even a company like Amazon had to scrap their recruiting algorithm because it discriminated against women. Many applications in the healthcare system fail with populations of color, for example.”

Just the way people believe news and WhatsApp forwards without thinking, what if people begin believing an AI? And that’s the real danger. To save ourselves from the dangers of AI as a country, we’ll have to develop our own AI. so that we can identify AI threats, do proper fact checks, and fight against future attacks by AI. This sounds like a paradox, but this is today’s truth.

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