What is the PUBG Erangel map’s backstory? – Sndp


These are the erangel names. This is just the name of a map. But which is the design of this map or which is the blue print? It is taken from a Russian island, which you will find in the Black Sea. This is this island, which is very close to Russia. and they still exist. But the only difference is this. was there before, or there used to be a lot of activity. But now there is silence. One reason is that no one lives here. And this can be guessed from the broken boundary, damaged vehicles, broken roof of the powerhouse, and broken sacks. Now there is no such a time. The military used to live on this island. And at the same time, there was a town here where there was a huge population. So, after all, what happened on this island was that it was completely deserted. 

So now this story begins around 1950 when the Second World War ended. and this island was occupied by Soviet forces. He maintained a biological weapon testing facility, where he used to do all his tests. The tests they used to do, they used to do on the people living here. And now the people living in the town came to know about this, and they were completely lost. They decided they would protest against it because all these things were happening against human rights. Now he has done as he thought. He started a protest against this whole facility. Now this protest has increased a lot, and he has acted on the facility. Now the military tried its best to suppress its voice and tried as much as they could to break their protest. They put electric fences here so that they could stop the people from moving forward, restrict them, suppress their voice and put an end to protest.

The same way we get to see in the game too. where a blue wall constantly forces us, restricts our area, and constantly pushes us inside the core. On one hand, this protest was happening and two parties were formed in it. On the one hand, there were innocent people who were fighting against human rights. On the one hand, they did not want that weapon testing be done on him, and on the other hand, there was the military, who was trying to stop it. As far as protest is concerned, the people of this struggled a lot, but they did not get any result  and in the end, they decided that they would leave this place, and finally all the people left from here. and this island was appended. 



Whatever design this island was, it was copied exactly in PUBG PC and PUBG MOBILE and this map was named “ERANGEL”. Now military bases, etc., can be found on this island. But there are some places that you will not get to see, such as schools. The school was not on an erangel map before. It has been edited now. concept of the school. They are taken from some other city. and the name of this city is Prypiat. This city is also completely ruined. He had a nuclear accident here. Now if we talk about Prypiat, then around 5000 people used to live here. But there was a nuclear plant here. Some accident happened due to which the radiation level which was here had become very high. and the people here had to leave the city. The schools which are seen as mobile are actually present in this city. If you come back to the story, there are one or two questions.

Now if we came back to the study, there are one or two questions. whose answer is very important. The first question is,


1. that whatever was going on between the military and the people of the town. Who was right and who was wrong?

Here were the people who were fighting for their rights. They had no problem with the military camp. They had biological testing being done on their own people. As far as the weapons that were there in the coming future, it was going to be a problem for them only, and as far as I believe, it is not wrong in any way to protest for yourself and your children.


2. So your guys can ask me this question: what is our role in this map? What if they are military? Are we those attempting to suppress civilians, or are we civilians fighting for their rights?

So guys, I will give the answer according to myself. Neither of those two have our role. If he mentions Miramar, some of the prisoners have decided to target him. who are fighting for their survival today. But if we talk about Erangel, then no one lives here. This place is completely vacant. So if you put the concept of some stories or movies here, then when some space becomes vacant, So illegal activities start and you must have seen such games in many movies where people are left on an island. and this is their target. They kill each other and survive to the last. The same prize money will belong to him, and similar things are happening in erangel now. Here are the players who come down to kill each other and the ones who survive. If the prize goes to him, then overall we have a role in this map. He is such a selfish person. The one who only cares about himself, does not have to care about anyone else’s life.

Now this is a story, so don’t be too serious. It is just a game. So take it like a game. I believe that the things I told you are from the real events of real life, but it does not mean that you take this game more seriously. It is a game, so enjoy it as a game. Don’t let the impact it has on your personal life. Play the game like a game and live happy.

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