Who was Maria Telkes? – Sndp

Hungarian-American woman : Maria Telkes

The reason you are seeing an orange hue round plate with a lady today, December 12th, is because you must be seeing a woman in Google searches. So you may be wondering why Google is investigating it right now. So allow me to explain the reason why.

Background of Maria Telkes

On December 12, 1900, Maria Telkes was born in Budapest, Hungary. They are also referred to as Hungarian-American ladies for this reason. He passed away on December 2, 1995, at the age of 94. And because of his extensive research, thermoelectricity is frequently referred to as such. The “National Inventors Hall of Fame” award was also given to it. Additionally, it goes by the moniker “The Sun Queen.”

Information about Maria Telkes

Maria Telcs was a highly respected Hungarian-American woman. She was a scientist, inventor, and a biophysicist in addition to being a woman. Maria Telkes, the first American woman of her time to work solely on solar energy, completed her physical chemistry studies at Étovos Lorand University in 1920 and received her Ph.D. Got degree. He moved to the United States in 1925 to work as a biophysicist. Where he got a chance to work in a very big company named Cleveland Clinic Foundation. And while working there, he also got the proof of being an American citizen. So she had also become a Hungarian American. And after some time, she reached the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its short form is known as MIT where he focused his attention on solar energy in his concentrated manner. While at MIT, Maria Telkes invented a device that had the facility to store solar energy. Which can be used in difficult times to come.
After that, when World War 2 was going on, during that time, Maria developed solar power technology and made such an electronic device for the soldiers that the soldiers could use that device during the emergency problem and keep themselves alive. And he made such a solar device that used to make sea water drinkable. That’s why Maria Telkes is also called an inventor. She wanted that she wanted to help poor children and families, so that people could get potable water. She is also known as “The Sun Queen” for this reason. And after World War II ended, Marika Telkes was made a research professor at MIT.
And a few years later, in 1777, she received “The First Recipient of the Society of Women Engineers Achievement” award from the National Academy of Science’s Building Research Advisory Board.

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