Why does Mukesh Ambani say that the gaming industry is larger than the movie industry? – Sndp

Can gaming be a career option?

Let me tell you an interesting fact. in my childhood, instead of doing my homework. when i used to play counterstrike. then everyone would say. this kid has no future. at that time, they didn’t know  this price pool . at that time, they didn’t know about this $142,233,864.58 price pool. but now, the situation has flipped. gaming in not just a hobby. it has become a logical career option. 

Today’s blog is going to be very interesting because, in this blog we would know how big is the gaming industry? What is the scope for gaming in India? and what can we do to make career in it ?simultaneously, we would know about this industry’s evil side as well? 

How big is the gaming industry?

Forget about the world, first let us know about. how big is India’s gaming industry? you must have seen Mr. Mukesh Ambani. India’s second richest person. some days before he had said this, that we can’t even imagine, but gaming industry is going to be bigger than  music, movies and tv shows. let take an example of India’s must popular game. not PUBG, i am talking about LUDO KING. during COVID, ludo king helped a lot of us pass time. and in the process earned a lot of money. how much? 20 million dollars that too, just in a year. ludo king is a free to play board game made by India’s Vikas Jaiswal. but every day more than 5 crore people actively play ludo king. that’s why, among all free to play games. this game is on the top from past 2 years. to put things in perspective, you must have seen the movie Avenger Endgame just within a snap, this movie’s business reached 850 million dollars. if you think this number is big, then wait for a moment. released in the same year was a game Call of Duty – Modern Warfare. do you know what was their revenue? 1.9 billion dollars. world’s gaming industry is 3 time bigger than the film industry. but nothing to be happy about this now. because from this whole gaming industry. only 1 percent revenue comes to India. India is the world’s second largest populated country. world’s 5th largest economy. but when it comes to gaming. then form this 198 billion dollar market. only one percent revenue comes to India. 22 percent goes to China and 20 percent to America.

Career options in gaming  industry? 

But this is just about numbers. one gets excited after listening to big number. but what next? yes we know that more than 50 crore people in India, play some or the other type of game. India’s gaming industry is growing by 27% every year. but what should we do about these numbers. let’s know about the career options in gaming.  in 2022 our finance minister had clarified, India’s seriousness regarding this industry. through AVCG promotion task force, AVCG means amination, visual effects, gaming and comics. this task force’s job is to create around 1.6 lakh jobs, in this sector in the upcoming years.
Let me tell you how this this will happen in 4 points
1st point:- will be to create a National AVCG policy.
2nd point:- then proper graduation and post graduation courses will be created.
3rd point:- then young talent will be identified and skill development will be focused on.
4th point:- and then ways will be found to export these services.
You can find all these things in Government’s agenda as well. but government’s plan will be done when its done. we will prepare for tomorrow. let’s know about 3 of such major fields. through which you can get into the gaming industry.


Which means a professional consumer, gamers who like gaming as a career. they take part in tournaments, do streaming, review games and earn money. ninja is the world’s richest gamer. who’s net worth is 15 million dollars, even more than Hardik Pandya. i don’t know why i said this, but you get the point. becoming a professional gamer is as difficult a professional athlete. you need skills, you need practice, you need patience. every guy is a Sachin Tendulkar in their lane. but India has lakhs and crores of such lanes and as a result, lakhs and crores of sachins too. but that doesn’t mean than everyone plays for India. professional gamers become professional when they play. when they practice playing the same game, consistently for 50-60-70 hours. develop small small skills, a lot of time as an audience we see that a 17 years old won 3 million dollars in Fortnite worldcup. and his fate has changed in  a night. but every overnight success takes years in  the making. if you actually want to make a career in gaming and become a professional gamer, then you have to look ay it as a profession and not a hobby. we noticed the journey of many professional gamers. and this trend is common everywhere. every journey has flow and that flow looks somthing like this choice of game, community, tournaments, victories and sponsorships. its means only taking good headshots is not enough.


a pro gamer can make a career in gaming. but along with that if you are a designer, then you have scope in gaming. if you are a video editor or an animator, then even you have scope in gaming. gaming is an interactive storytelling format and in this industry, a commercial artist has a lots of scope and i say commercial artist. because here, according to the game’s requirement you have to create the art. we have collected a lot of resources about designer arts. 


just think, you are interested in gaming. but you cannot play the game very well and you don’t even the basics of design. good news is that you can make a career in gaming by learning coding. if you are a good data analyst then even you scope here. modern engineers can merge their passion with their profession. how does data science help in gaming? suppose you are designing a level based game. which has 100 levels and you have to figure out that, what should be the difficulty of the game. then you need to know how many % people are completing, the game and upto which level. and data science gives you those tools and techniques. through which you can analyse and improve your game. and for learning a cutting edge technology like date science.

Evil Side of Gaming 

This industry has a dark side too, some games are harmless but some games can ruin your life. like the games which promote gambling. just think, hardly some of us would have been to casino. but when the casino itself comes to your place. gets downloaded in a click and stays forever with you. then what will happen? every person can become a gambler. gambling is a state subject in our country. its means every decides what is allowed and what’s not, so we have to become smart. how to identify gambling related games? just ask 3 questions to yourself 
1. is money involved in this game?
2. if you lose in this game, then is it because of a choice?
Lets take a simple Example, in ludo we decide which piece to move and things change according to that but we don’t make a choice in snakes and ladders. so if an app makes you a common game like snakes and ladders with money, then that is gambling as well
3. do you improve with time and practice?
Usually you learn the rules of the game first, then you make mistakes. and by doing those mistakes again you improve. but you never improve in gambling. because things are not based on your decisions. the biggest problem is, these gaming companies collect date from you. when do you play games, against whom do you win, against whom do you lose, how much do you bet and when do you stop playing. all these things are known by those gambling games and according to that they change your gaming experience. so they do whatever it takes to make you a gambling addict. 


Gaming is the future of interactive storytelling and the future is here, in this future we have to be careful and take advantage of this opportunity as well. and there are many areas in gaming, where Indians can shine. we can develop games like Raji. in animation, we can work on games like GTA and in back-end, solve a lot of date related problems. in its almost billion dollar industry, there is a lot of scope for India. and there is hope where is scope 

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