Why is Judith Leyster so famous? – Sndp

 Who was Judith Leyster?

Judith Leyster was a great painter of a well-known Dutch period. Whose full name was Judith Jans Leyster. He is also known as the Dutch Golden Age painter.

Background of Judith Jans Leyster

For this reason, she is often referred to as “The Sun Queen.” Who was very passionate about her interest, work and life. He was born on 20 July 1609 in the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands. And he also died in the city of Haarlem on 10 February 1660. Then he was only 50 years old. And he is still known as the Dutch Golden Age painter.

Judith Jans Leyster 

Judith Jans Leyster was a great painter of a well-known Dutch period. Who had great attachment to his work, interest and painting. He was the best and famous in his yoga. He was so great that, after his death, they started telling his identity as his work. Many people started looting his work. Out of which her husband was also involved. Whose name was Jan Miense Molenaer, but after seeing all this, many people started searching for his work and many types to know about him, and many scholars, researchers and scientists were also involved in this.
Judith Jans Leyster was born in the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands, although her father used to make wine in the city of Haarlem. Whose name was the brewer Jan Willemsz Leyster. and Judith Jans Leyster Willemsz Leyster was the eighth child. After some time, Wilmsj Leyster also used to do illegal work for the good upbringing of his family, due to which his father also became bankrupt. After which his family had reached even poorer condition.
Looking at this, Judith Leyster praised her painting. And after a few years, accepted it as a career as well. And he sat as a member of the Harlem Guild. Luke also got recruited. During this many ladies got Sat. Luke was also recruited. In which there used to be work of embroidery, painting in pottery, metal and girl. And in 1636 Judith Jans Leyster married Jan Miense Molenaer, and a few years after the marriage she moved with her husband to Amsterdam, where her husband had a house. She lived there for 11 years and had 5 children, out of which only 2 of her children survived.
And he died in 1660. Then his age was only 50 years. Her husband displayed her artwork in the museum for 200 years. And from that even today he is known as the Dutch Golden Age painter.

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