will 2023 be the worst years? – Sndp

2023 is going to be the worst year, all of your resolutions are going to fail. you won’t be able to achieve any goals and once again on 31st December, you will hope for the next year to be better.

At the start of this new year, no one wants to listen to this brutal truth. But I must issue a challenge and request that you follow the formula. This would be your best year yet. because this formula was taught to us in the Bhagavad Geeta thousands of years ago. but we have forgotten this today.
Let’s learn the same secrets that made Emperor Ashoka the Emperor of India.

1st Principle: Don’t make goals.

On the first day, the gym is full, but after a month, it is completely empty. why so? because 100% of people make goals. But under the name of goals, 99% of them just lie to themselves. only dream about it, and goals are different from dreams. The dream of becoming fit was present last year too. The dream of earning more was present last year too. The dream of quitting smoking was here last year too. But Geeta teaches us that all these dreams are signs of a sleeping mind. So what to do? not goals; instead, make anti-goals. Find something that will make you angry. If your weight is 100 kg today, just imagine that after a year. Your weight will reach 150 kg. Yes, this is a negative thought. But negativity is like an energy for the future, which can shake your present. because just think of it. If you look in the mirror and hate yourself after gaining 150 kg. How much will you hate yourself? Instead of aiming to lose 80 pounds from 100 pounds, aim to lose 150 pounds. then you will automatically focus on such action. which will keep you away from your goal, and the best thing is that you have to do the same things to reduce weight. which you have to do to stop increasing your weight as well. Improve your lifestyle; exercise regularly; and eat healthy. in every negative statement. There is a hidden positive motivation. which shows you a mirror of your present. This is a reminder to you that, while things may be bad today, they will never be worse than they are now. Because  I have complete control over my life, I am the captain of my ship and will only steer it in the direction I desire. Write down everything you don’t want in your life on a piece of paper. It’s difficult for people to figure out what they want from their lives. But it is relatively easy to find out what they don’t want from their lives. Make your anti-vision aggressive; let it chase you like a hungry lion. If you feel angry, let it be. If you feel bad, let it be. If tears start flowing, let them flow. Look how fast you run toward your vision.

2nd Principle: Don’t expect results.

It’s a stupid suggestion but very effective; just imagine you are walking on a road, and while walking, a bird spits on your head. You are furious. You look up and spit at the bird, and the same spit falls back on you; this is all there is to life. That bird has no personal animosity toward you; it is simply living its life and carrying on its work in a natural manner. But you take it personally; you believe that if the bird can spit on me, you can also spit on it. Only my desired actions will result in my desired outcome. But it happens the opposite way because our control is only over our actions and not their fruits. If a king desires something extraordinary, he performs a yagna, according to puranic stories. One who performs a yagna is called Yajmaan, who sacrifices things in the fire and says Swaha. The fire of a yagna is a symbol of our efforts, which don’t yield any results at that moment. However, if we are to achieve the extraordinary, Then one has to perform a yagna. has to follow a process and be patient. Here, I am not telling you to perform a havan, I am telling you to say swaha. Every day, I tell you to do something that requires your best self. What is your yagna? one excel sheet, I did an experiment last year. I made an excel sheet having only two columns; in the first column, I added dates from 1st January to 31st December and kept the second column blank; at the end of every day, I wrote one such thing that made me happy. then it can be anything. But we can do things like this every day that make us happy and bring a smile to our faces. Writing a diary is not a simple thing for everyone. But writing one line at the end of each day is easy and also possible. After a year, if you look back, you will find 365 things that made you happy, and that’s what matters.

3rd Principle: Be selfish.

Let’s be clear: there are very few people in the world. who genuinely love you people who become happy after watching your happiness. This world is full of parasites. parasites, meaning those people who are with you only for their benefit. Your friendship is just a transaction for them. You have something that they want, and that’s why they are your friends. In 2023, you will have to identify such people. You must keep your distance from them. Aside from your family and some close friends, stop sharing with the world your plans, your income, and your deepest secrets. Your emotions are just gossip to them; an open treasure chest is eventually robbed; the point is simple. Identify these parasites and prioritize yourself before them. drinking alcohol to make them happy and driving the car at 200 k/hr for their acceptance. Why? What did you get? focus like Arjuna. Distracting things, people, or events removes them from your life; become selfish. because in 2023, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone else. Just become your best self. because Lord Shri Krishna said that if a person falls while walking on his path, he will fall.still better than the other person. who takes the wrong path as suggested by others.

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